Journalist, chef, nutrition researcher, homemaker and community activist, Sally Fallon is the author of Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. This well-researched, though-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: Animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels.
Mrs. Fallon's lifelong interest in the subject of nutrition began in the early 1970's when she read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price. Called the "Charles Darwin of Nutrition," Price traveled the world over studying healthy indigenous populations and their diets. The unforgettable photographs contained in his book document the beautiful facial structure and superb physiques of isolated groups consuming only whole, natural foods. Price noted that all of these diets contained a source of good quality animal fat, which provided numerous factors necessary for the full expression of our genetic potential and optimum health. Mrs. Fallon applied the principles of the Weston Price research to the feeding of her own children, and proved to herself that a diet rich in animal fats, and containing the protective factors in old fashioned foodstuffs like cod liver oil, liver and eggs, makes for sturdy, cheerful children with naturally straight teeth and a high immunity to illness.
When the youngest of her four children became old enough to attend school full time, Mrs. Fallon applied her writing skills and training in French and Mediterranean cooking to the subject of nutrition and began work on a comprehensive cookbook that would combine accurate information on nutrition with delicious, practical recipes. She teamed with Mary Enig, Ph.D., an expert of world renown in the subject of lipids and human nutrition. First published in 1996, Nourishing Traditions has stimulated the public health and medical communities to take a new look at the importance of traditional foods and preparation techniques in human health, and to reexamine the many myths about saturated fats and cholesterol. The book places special emphasis on the feeding of babies and children, to ensure optimal development during their crucial growing years.
Mrs. Fallon and her colleague Dr. Enig are frequent contributors to holistic health publications. Their work is widely respected for providing accurate and understandable explanations of complicated subjects in the field of nutrition and health. Recent articles include "Tripping Lightly Down the Prostaglandin Pathways," "Dem Bones--Do High Protein Diets Cause Osteoporosis?," "Vitamin A Vagary," "Vitamin A Knavery," "Why Butter is Better" and "A Campaign for Real Milk." "Soy Products for Dairy Products?--Not So Fast," an exposé of the dangers of modern soy-based foods, has generated intense controversy in the health food industry.
Mrs. Fallon is the Founder of the Weston A Price Foundation for Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, a nonprofit nutrition education foundation based in Washington, DC, and editor of the Foundation's quarterly magazine. (See She also founded A Campaign for Real Milk, dedicated to creating consumer awareness of the health benefits of clean, whole unpasteurized milk from grass-fed cows. (See
During the past four years Mrs. Fallon has presented numerous lectures and seminars in Canada, the UK and Australia, as well as the United States. Most recently she was a keynote speaker for the Acres USA annual convention and an all-day seminar in San Francisco sponsored by Radiant Life. She has been a guest of numerous radio talk show hosts including Dr. Robert Atkins, Robert Crayhon, Leyna Berman and Derek McGinty. Mrs. Fallon received a Bachelors Degree in English with honors from Stanford University, and Masters Degree in English with high honors from UCLA. She lives in Washington, DC with her husband John Fallon, one child still at home, and three who come home from time to time for a good meal. She has served as president of her local citizens group and is actively involved in community landscaping projects. She speaks French and Spanish. Her interests include music, gardening, metaphysics . . . and, of course, cooking.