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Testimonials For a Traditional Pet Diet


Presenting Problem:
"An overly destructive dog"

"After one month on an almost exclusive diet of raw chicken mince, my mongrel cattle dog Sam had become quite destructive in his behaviour and would chews things like chair legs and shoes, something he had not done since he was a puppy.

When my cousin came to visit he took sometime to play with Sam as usual but accidentally hurt the dog. Sam retaliated by biting my cousin and drew blood, something which he had never done before. My cousin asked what Sam had been eating. When I told him, he said that it was possibly the hormones in the chicken and to feed him something else. Once I took the dog off the chicken and put him on kangaroo meat his behaviour changed back to normal"

Oxenford, Queensland Australia

Disclaimer: Please note that no health claims are made nor implied by any of the feedback or information on this website. All information is provided for informational purposes only.










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